Friday, January 1, 2016

Lets Start From the Very Beginning!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!
Now that You've read through a little bit about me and what we're here for lets get started on my first actual project.

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When I first decided that I wanted to do a house. I did some research, for what is commonly used for 16 inch dollhouses. The first thing that came up were the ever so popular 18 inch american girl dollhouses! Now, I know you think I'm crazy for looking up American Girl dollhouses, but think about it. American Girl dolls are 18 inches, and the doll I am making a house for is 16 inches tall (MSD sized). Many of the things made for American Girl are actually going to be the PERFECT scale for a MSD sized doll. In any case  After searching the web for awhile I found a blog about one of these American Girl dollhouses, and it was there that I found this bookshelf. 

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Link to Bookshelf on Amazon ---> HERE

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 So I ordered the bookshelf and it only took 2 days with amazon prime for it to arrive at my doorstep. I do have one side note about this beautiful bookshelf. Even though it is lovely, It is VERY heavy and Semi difficult to put together, just be aware.

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The moment I got this bookshelf put together I was already placing things inside of it!
This was one of my biggest mistakes. When you do a project like this. Take your time, measure what room you have to work with, and don't go crazy on the internet buying every single piece of furniture you can find. Because as you will see in a later blog I ended up changing the kitchen that you see below.

This is a look at the bookshelf with the two shelves in it. Note that the middle shelf is actually attached to the bookshelf so it is NOT removable. The upper one however can be positioned however you like it :)

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The floors in the house are actually made from custom wallpaper purchased on 
If you have never used spoon flower, you have not lived. They sell all kinds of things. I will link you the flooring below, however the rest of the wallpaper will be linked as it appears in the house.

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Link to Spoon Flower Flooring I used ---> HERE

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Well Thats all for now folks! Thanks for reading!
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First Post! Getting to Know you!

Hi there! My name is Katy and welcome to Staged 4 Scale! 

I figured this first post would be a great way to get to know me and get to know all about what I plan on doing on this blog. So lets get started shall we :)

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Staged 4 Scale is going to be about the homes/settings, I will be creating for my own 
Ball Jointed Dolls (BJDs). The progress I make in these settings will be documented here, and eventually a compilation of photos I take in these settings will also be included.
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I am of course assuming many of you know what BJDs are. I should probably explain that Ball Jointed Dolls (BJDs) are a type of resign doll that is widely collected all over the world.  These dolls come in various scales and are hand crafted and painted to the owners liking. There is NOT one BJD that is EXACTLY like another. I could go into even further detail about certain aspects of the dolls and how they came to be so popular, but I'd rather just let you find out and explore that on your own!

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Now the question is how does one get involved in such an interesting hobby?
Several years ago I began building 1/12 scale miniature houses, no dolls just the houses. I have always been intrigued by small things and by dolls. I actually was looking for things on Etsy when I came upon some clothing for BJDs and it wasn't until about a month ago (November of 2015) That I really started thinking about purchasing my own doll. I ended up purchasing a Soul Doll only about a week later. It was after ordering the doll that I began to ask myself wether or not the doll should have a place to sleep. Eventually having a place to sleep turned into having an entire home.
 And so I have begun this blog to show the progress of this beautiful house!

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Thanks for Reading!
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